Ennis Track Athletic Club welcomes all juvenile athletes to the new Cross Country season for 2016. A warm welcome to our new runners to Ennis Track Club.


Training times Monday & Friday 6 to 7pm

NB – Athletes must be dropped off at 5.55pm and collected at the training area no later than 6.55pm.

1 Euro a session is contributed by each athlete to assist pay for the use of the Lees Rd facility. Proper footwear (runners) and training gear to be worn.

For rehydration – recognisable own bottle of water. (No sharing of bottles)


Teenage Training – Coached by Pat Hogan.

St Flannans Pitch; Mon to Thurs incl. & week ends: 4.20pm to 5.30pm

Cross Country Season – (See fixtures list on website)

It is compulsory that all athletes who are training with the Club participate in the Clare Cross Country racing fixtures – Oct/Nov/Dec.  We as a club promote the message that it is the taking part that counts, that each child’s position counts and at all times to do your best, however there are 10 individual medals plus 3 team medals to be won so a child has 2 chances of winning a medal. Each athlete will be running as part of a team and failing to turn up is letting his/her fellow athletes down, not to mention the trainers who are coaching on a voluntary basis.

Ennis Track Athletic Club’s history/success is based on Cross Country running. See our website page www.ennistrackathleticclub.com

Track & Field Season –

It is compulsory that all athletes who are training with the Club participate in the Track & Field Season. (Feb to June) We as a club promote the message that it is the taking part that counts, that each child’s position counts and at all times to do your best, however not turning for events and especially in events like Relays you are letting your team down, not to mention the trainers who are coaching on a voluntary basis.

Competition Requirements

Suitable footwear or running spikes.

Ennis Track Club Singlet: Contact Hilda O’ Connor 086 235 1969

Dress for weather. (Please have rain jacket & warm fleece) and remember the saying there is no bad weather only bad clothing.

Nutritious lunch.




Ennis Track Athletic Club is officially the biggest club in Clare. This success is down to the Committee Members, Coaches, Athletes and Parents. To maintain this high standard we need parents to assist with chaperon duties at training sessions/flag days etc. Our juvenile numbers has increased dramatically and more manpower is required to assist/ supervise training sessions. Coaching experience is not required, so if you think you can help out, Please let Gerry know. Your offer of help will be gratefully received.

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