COVID 19 – Athletics Ireland Guidance

From 26th of April

  • Outdoor sports facilities can reopen (for example: pitches, golf courses and tennis courts, other facilities as appropriate).
  • Activities should take place between a maximum of two households. Facilities including club houses and any indoor facilities (for example: changing rooms, showers, kitchens, meeting rooms), apart from essential toilet facilities must remain closed. There should not be any return to team sports or training activities.
  • Underage non-contact outdoor training in pods of 15 can resume.

From 10th of May

Outdoor training for adults in pods of a maximum of 15 people

The Covid 19 pandemic guidelines continue to develop and our knowledge of how best to manage living with the virus also continues to grow. This summary sheet is designed to streamline the Athletics Ireland guidelines for all Clubs and members in one page.

Covid 19 is still with us and we need to be ever vigilant regarding contact tracing, social distancing and hygiene. Non-contact outdoor training is permitted for children in pods of 15 including coaches. Non-contact outdoor training pods for under-age members and must have at least two Garda vetted adults present throughout. There should be at least one adult of each gender with mixed parties.

All Clubs are required to appoint a Lead Club Covid Officer and advise Athletics Ireland of their Lead Officers contact details. Please email the contact details of your Lead Club Covid Officer to However, you may train as many additional Covid Officers as you see fit to support Club activity. The Club Covid Officer is a standalone role and should not be an active coach involved in a training session.

Additionally, it is critical to complete a Club Risk Assessment and to discuss this document with the Club committee.

Please display Covid health promotion posters at the Club.

For Club members note the following steps in order to attend your club.

  1. Book all sessions online using the Athletics Ireland Covid booking app HERE
  2. Maintain social distancing during training at all times.
  3. Carry a bottle of hand sanitiser and use regularly.
  4. If using equipment wipe clean before and after use with an appropriate cleaning agent.
  5. Do not attend training in your club if you feel unwell or are displaying any Covid symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath or loss of smell or taste.
Update 6th October

From midnight tonight the nation moves to level 3 of the National Framework for living with Covid 19. This increase to level 3 has serious implications for athletics and we note the key restrictions below.

We urge all stakeholders to continue to be vigilant to limit the spread of this deadly disease through social distancing, regular handwashing, sanitising together with the wearing of masks and strict adherence to government advice.

We will continue to share further Covid19 sport information with you as we receive it from the Sport Ireland Expert Group.

Key Restrictions at Level 3

  • No competition/events.
  • Outdoor training pods of up to 15.
  • Stay in your County except for work, education or essential services.

Level 3 Training

  • Outdoors: Non-contact training only in pods of up to 15 (exemption for professional/elite/inter-county sports/senior club championship).
  • Indoors: Individual training only. No exercise classes.

‘Pod’ System

  • Organised Sports training / activity / exercise can do so in multiple pods once sufficient space is available and strict public health protocols are in place.
  • The use of multiple pod’s is to assist with minimizing the number of people in a group while acknowledging that some outdoor facilities have the capacity to cater for larger numbers of people in a safe manner and within public health guidelines. People participating in pod training can be from different households.
  • The number of pods in a given facility or area will depend on the overall size of space available.
  • The space between pods will depend on the nature, duration and intensity of the session but it should be clearly evident that the pods are independent groups not interacting with one another. At a very minimum Social Distancing of 2m between pods should be implemented.
  • Depending on the frequency of activity (i.e. multiple times in a week) it may be helpful for participants to stay within the same pod.
  • A coach or instructor may oversee more than one pod and should be counted in the overall numbers.
  • The coach should not move freely between pods but rather oversee the activity of the pods.
25th August 2020

Further to the information below, please be advised of the following guidance in respect of parent/guardian attendance at underage activity.

The recent Regulations announced by Government aim at decreasing the congregation of Groups in social settings and to assist with contact tracing where required. Public health and reducing the risk of Covid-19 transmission remains the overarching priority.

It is acknowledged that some parents/guardians may wish to attend sporting events, competition and training in a supervisory capacity. In such cases, parents/guardians are not classified as spectators.

Each sporting organisation will need to determine if they can facilitate such attendance. Sporting organisations who choose to permit attendance should ensure that strict adherence to social distancing and public health guidelines is maintained at all times. At a minimum, the following measures should be implemented by organisers:

  • No more than 1 designated individual attending the session per child/family/group of children.
  • Overall numbers are kept to a minimum and in line with the space available in the venue/facility.
  • Electronic Contact Tracing & Health Questionnaires are completed by parents/guardians in advance of attendance.

Each sporting organisation must ensure that there are robust mechanisms in place to limit overall numbers, assist with contact tracing and implement compliance with social distancing and other public health guidelines.

Dear Sport Ireland Stakeholder,

Following on from Tuesday’s announcement please find below further detail on the practical implications of the guidelines on sporting organisations.

Guideline: Sporting events and matches can continue to take place behind closed doors

  • A behind closed doors event can include:  ‘Any individual involved in the participation, running, delivery, and broadcasting (if relevant) of the event’
  • The 6 indoor /15 outdoor participant restrictions do not apply to competition, events, or tournaments.
  • NGBs & Clubs with competition, events, tournaments planned up to September 13th 2020 should go ahead as planned with strict public health measures and protocols in place. No Spectators should attend these events.
  • Parents/Guardians attending in a safeguarding /supervisory capacity are not classified as a spectator however strict social distancing and public health guidelines should be adhered to at all times. In that context, one parent/guardian per child is permitted to attend at a sporting event, including a game or training session, should they consider it necessary. These provisions will be subject to strict protocols which will be issued in the coming days.

Guideline: Sport facilities can remain open.

  • Gyms/leisure centres/swimming pools/exercise and dance studios can remain open with strict distancing and other appropriate protective measures in place:
  • Total Indoor Gym/Facility/Pool Use can remain at the previous maximum levels of 50 once there is sufficient space available. In addition, facilities should be extra vigilant of potential congestion points such as entrance/exit points, changing rooms and reception areas ensuring that social distancing and other public health measures are maintained at all times.
  • Organised Sports training within indoor facilities can do so in multiple pods of 6 once sufficient space is available and strict public health protocols are in place.
  • Swimming and indoor water based activities can do so in pod’s/lanes of 6 once sufficient space is available and strict public health protocols are in place.

Guideline: Exercise and dance classes should be limited to 6 people and observe physical distancing rules.

  • Groups exercising outdoors should be limited to 15 people, including training sessions. There should be no mixing between groups.
  • Organised Sports training within indoor facilities can do so in multiple pods of 6 once sufficient space is available and strict public health protocols are in place.
  • Outdoor Exercise & Sports training can do so in multiple pods of 15 once sufficient space is available and strict public health protocols are in place.
  • Sports Summer Camps can do so in multiple pods of 6 (indoor) and 15 (outdoor) once sufficient space is available and strict public health protocols are in place.
  • Indoor Exercise & Dance classes should remain at 6 only as per guidance however may operate multiple pods if sufficient space is available and strict public health protocols are in place.

Ratios: Working Example

  • For Adult Activity, Coaches & Instructors should be included in the pod sizes. For example in outdoor training a ratio of 1:14 could be used. In the case of multiple pods indoors, ratios of 1:11 may be acceptable.
  • For Underage Activity, Individual Safeguarding Ratio’s will depend on the nature of the activity, the age of the participants and any special needs of the group, Sport Ireland’s general guide include 1:8 for under 12 years of age and 1:10 for over 12 years of age. There should be at least one adult of each gender with mixed parties.
21st August 2020 (2)

Following on from Tuesday’s announcement please find below further detail on the practical implications of the guidelines on sporting organisations.

Guideline: Sporting events and matches can continue to take place behind closed doors

  • A behind closed doors event can include:  ‘Any individual involved in the participation, running, delivery, and broadcasting (if relevant) of the event’.
  • The 6 indoor /15 outdoor participant restrictions do not apply to competition, events, or tournaments.
  • NGBs & Clubs with competition, events, tournaments planned up to September 13th 2020 should go ahead as planned with strict public health measures and protocols in place. No Spectators should attend these events.
  • Parents/Guardians attending in a safeguarding /supervisory capacity are not classified as a spectator however strict social distancing and public health guidelines should be adhered to at all times. In that context, one parent/guardian per child is permitted to attend at a sporting event, including a game or training session, should they consider it necessary. These provisions will be subject to strict protocols which will be issued in the coming days.

Guideline:Sport facilities can remain open.

  • Gyms/leisure centres/swimming pools/exercise and dance studios can remain open with strict distancing and other appropriate protective measures in place:
  • Total Indoor Gym/Facility/Pool Use can remain at the previous maximum levels of 50 once there is sufficient space available. In addition, facilities should be extra vigilant of potential congestion points such as entrance/exit points, changing rooms and reception areas ensuring that social distancing and other public health measures are maintained at all times.
  • Organised Sports training within indoor facilities can do so in multiple pods of 6 once sufficient space is available and strict public health protocols are in place.
  • Swimming and indoor water based activities can do so in pod’s/lanes of 6 once sufficient space is available and strict public health protocols are in place.

Guideline:  Exercise and dance classes should be limited to 6 people and observe physical distancing rules.

  • Groups exercising outdoors should be limited to 15 people, including training sessions. There should be no mixing between groups.
  • Organised Sports training within indoor facilities can do so in multiple pods of 6 once sufficient space is available and strict public health protocols are in place.
  • Outdoor Exercise & Sports training can do so in multiple pods of 15 once sufficient space is available and strict public health protocols are in place.
  • Sports Summer Camps can do so in multiple pods of 6 (indoor) and 15 (outdoor) once sufficient space is available and strict public health protocols are in place.
  • Indoor Exercise & Dance classes should remain at 6 only as per guidance however may operate multiple pods if sufficient space is available and strict public health protocols are in place.

Ratios: Working Example

  • For Adult Activity, Coaches & Instructors should be included in the pod sizes. For example in outdoor training a ratio of 1:14 could be used. In the case of multiple pods indoors, ratios of 1:11 may be acceptable.
  • For Underage Activity, Individual Safeguarding Ratio’s will depend on the nature of the activity, the age of the participants and any special needs of the group, Sport Ireland’s general guide include 1:8 for under 12 years of age and 1:10 for over 12 years of age. There should be at least one adult of each gender with mixed parties.
 19th August 2020

To All Stakeholders,

Please find the update issued by Sport Ireland last night in regard to the latest Covid advice.

Further specific details will be issued in the coming days from Sport Ireland but the good news is that we have had sign off from Sport Ireland that our Irish Life Health National Track & Field Championships can proceed as planned and training groups can continue to operate in multiple groups of 15.

Covid is still very much with us and we advise all stakeholders to maintain the highest standards of Covid protocols at all times.

“Dear Sport Ireland Stakeholder

Following the announcement by An Taoiseach tonight the following public health measures are now in place. The previous restrictions announced for Kildare, Laois and Offaly continue to remain in place.

The key measures announced in relation to sport and physical activity are outlined below.

Sport Ireland will provide additional information on a number of the measures tomorrow. In the meantime please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

Updated Public Health Measures – Sport & Physical Activity

  • Sport facilities can remain open.
  • Sporting events and matches can continue to take place behind closed doors.
  • Gatherings, including social gatherings, before or after events must be avoided. Participants should practice 2 metre physical distancing before and after events, during breaks in play, on the sidelines and team huddles should be avoided.
  • Gyms/leisure centres/swimming pools/exercise and dance studios can remain open with strict distancing and other appropriate protective measures in place.
  • Exercise and dance classes should be limited to 6 people and observe physical distancing rules.
  • Groups exercising outdoors should be limited to 15 people, including training sessions. There should be no mixing between groups.
  • It is recommended that those responsible for managing these facilities should have completed a risk assessment before reopening to manage the public health risk for their customers, attendees, participants, and staff.
  • The assessment should consider the risk factors for getting COVID-19, that is Distance, Activity, Time and Environment, and include controls such as managed entry, improved hygiene facilities, and regular cleaning to limit these.
  • Facilities should observe physical distancing guidelines and apply the public health checklist to their operation. Guidance on mass gatherings should also be followed.
  • Facilities reopening with a return of staff should apply the Return to Work Safely Protocol. This has been designed to support employers and workers to put measures in place that will prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace.”

5th August 2020

The government extension of the restriction of 200 people only attending any outdoor event is disappointing for us all in Athletics Ireland. However, this decision was made in the best interests of the health of the nation as we all strive to contain the Covid19 virus outbreak.

Athletics Ireland are currently reviewing several logistical options in regard to upcoming competitions and we will revert to all stakeholders later this week once those decisions are finalised.

We thank you all for your patience at this difficult time.

Notice 24th July 2020
FAQ’s for Phase 3 Extension

1. What do we do if a member of our Club who has been training regularly confirms they are now Covid positive?
Once an athlete tests positive, public health authorities will be in contact with the club to contact trace all close and casual contacts. The health authority will lead the club on the course of action.

2. Can I travel abroad?
Yes, anyone can travel off the island of Ireland for essential business and best practice is to self-isolate for 14 days on your return to Ireland.

3. Can an overseas athlete compete in any upcoming competition?
Yes, if they have completed 14 days of self-isolation in Ireland prior to the event and have proof of travel dates.

4. Can interclub competition take place?
Yes, we actively encourage all clubs to develop interclub events for all ages and our development team are available to support clubs in this activity. Please contact if you require assistance.

5. Will Cross Country protocols be released?
Yes, in the coming days once we know what government guidelines will operate from the 10th August we will release cross country protocols. We are actively encouraging all clubs to promote track and field activities at this time.

Notes –
Government advice is not to travel abroad unless it is essential.
The limit of 200 people attending an outdoor event includes all athletes, coaches, officials, spectators and anyone else on site.

June 24th 2020

To All Stakeholders,

Athletics Ireland is delighted to share new protocols around permitted events as we exit lockdown. Recent announcements by Government allow for outdoor gatherings of up to 200 people from the 29th June, and 500 people from the 20th July.

We wish to note that every event will have their own unique set of Covid-19 challenges around social distancing, contact tracing, hygiene and participant management.

A strict set of guidelines (note these guidelines are not exhaustive) has been developed with expert advice and this information can be found on the links below;

Road Race Event Organiser Guidelines

Road Race Volunteer, Staff and Marshalls Guidelines

Road Race Participant Guidelines

Athletics Ireland would like to thank you all for your patience and understanding during these unusual times.

If you have already applied for a permit and wish to change it to 2021, please contact directly, we are carrying applications forward and we will try to facilitate a new date for you. Please ensure you clear this date with your County Board.

We know that running provides great mental and physical health benefits for our society. We have a duty of care to ensure that our athletics clubs ensure that we operate within a safe environment.

This practical guide, prepared by our team in consultation with medical experts and in line with Government Guidelines, outlines the robust measures Athletics Ireland strongly recommend race organisers to implement and maintain to help safeguard all participants during the COVID-19 pandemic. This will allow all of us to get back to staging running events and improving the wellbeing of members across the country.

Our measures and procedures are under constant review and updated as advice from government, health authorities and governing bodies evolves in line with the gradual lifting of social restrictions. Note these protocols do not commence until this Monday the 29th June 2020 and are subject to change based on government guidelines.

22nd June 2020

Athletic Ireland welcomes the recent government announcement in regard to the easing of lockdown restrictions from the 29th June, 2020. We have and continue to work closely with Sport Ireland and the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport to ensure athletics restarts in a safe and progression manner and that our members are responsible and vigilant in suppressing Covid19.

Subject to further government guidance this week we are working towards a full return to Club activities from this coming Monday 29th June for all ages and we will be posting competition dates in the coming days.

We note that Covid19 is still very much with us and it is imperative that we maintain the highest standards in regard to contact tracing, social distancing and hygiene and we will release further details on these strategies this week.

We thank you all for your cooperation and patience during this unprecedented time but it is exciting to see us returning to full Club activity from the 29th June.

Click HERE for Revised Roadmap for Reopening Ireland

– Athletics Ireland

12th June 2020 FAQ’s for Phase 2 of Lockdown Exit

Key Developments in Phase 2 include;

  • Groups of up to 15, including trainers and coaches, may return to non-contact outdoor training activity (but not matches) while maintaining social distancing at all times.
  • You may travel within your own county, or up to 20 kilometres from your home if crossing county boundaries.
Can 12-year olds turning 13 years in 2020 train with their age group?

Yes, all those born in 2007 and before can train in their club and are insured.

Will there be any Track and Field Competition this year?

The Juvenile and Competition Committees are meeting regularly to plan a return to competition within government guidelines. Provisional dates in August and September are planned for Under 14 groups and above and these will be published in the coming days. Note – all dates will be contingent on meeting government guidelines.

Can Over 70’s attend the Club?

In relation to the vulnerable Over 70 years population, the advice currently is that they may leave their houses for exercise, but they should limit contact with other people, even on a socially distanced basis. This advice does not recommend over 70s attending sports clubs however, it is not mandatory, it is advisory, so individuals can make their own decisions.

Will Summer Camps Proceed?

Government guidelines allow summer camps to proceed in line with strict procedures around outdoor activity only, social distancing, contact tracing and excellent hygiene. A final decision on Athletics Ireland Summer Camps proceeding will be made in the coming days.

Logistics of attending a club session – example
Can more than one group of 15 operate in my club at once?

Yes, your club are responsible for developing their own risk assessment document and if the club believe they can safely operate with more than one group on site they can. The risk assessment is subject to meeting all social distancing, contact tracing and hygiene requirements.

Do all attending need to complete the health screening questionnaire?

Yes, all attending the club must complete the health screening questionnaire. At the very least the coach should read the questionnaire aloud to all groups and any participant answering yes to the session should be excluded and contact their GP.

We meet as a training group in a local park, does the AAI insurance cover us there?

Yes, once you are a club committee approved group the insurance policy is in place for you.

Does the Club Covid Compliance Officer need to have medical qualifications or expertise?

No, the role of the Club Covid Officer is detailed in the Club Covid Guidelines on page 2 and they do not need to have medical experience

Will Athletics Ireland provide training on Club Covid Compliance Officer?

There is a webinar on the Athletics Ireland Covid page on the website at This page has related information and guidance on the role. Sport Ireland will be providing additional training supports in time and these will be released to the clubs in due course.

Is the club required to put up Covid-19 posters?

Yes, if possible, it is important to advise visitors of their responsibility to maintain social distance, hygiene and sneezing/cough etiquette.

 Is the Covid Compliance Officer solely responsible for ensuring good practices on our return to activity in our club?

No, everyone is equally responsible for ensuring best practices are implemented, the Covid-19 officer merely coordinates that plan.

Is the coach one of the fifteen or is it fifteen athletes and a coach?

The coach is counted as one of the fifteen.

June 5th 2020

Athletics Ireland is delighted to share the Phase 2 guidance protocols with you as we exit lockdown. The good news announced by our Taoiseach this afternoon includes an increase in the size of outdoor training groups to fifteen (15) and an extension to the distance we can travel to train. People can travel within their own County, or up to 20km from their home, whichever is further.

Guidance for Clubs

Guidance for Athletes

Guidance for Coaches

May 20th Update:

We welcome the return to limited activity in Clubs this week and we appreciate your cooperation and vigilance in regard to implementing the highest standards of contact tracing, hygiene and social distancing. We have updated our website with further resources for all to use from posters to screening questionnaires and this valuable information can be accessed HERE.

Additionally, we facilitated a 30 minute webinar last night to answer frequently asked questions for all and this discussion can be found HERE.

Our RDO team led by Pat Ryan will be a key point of contact for all Clubs to access information and the team are undergoing training in the area of Covid 19 compliance in the coming days, the RDO contact details for all can be found HERE.

We would love to receive feedback and pictures of your Club return to training that could be shared with our members as we travel this difficult road together, please send contributions to

We wish to iterate that we do aspire to return to competition from August onwards, subject to government approval.

Keep Safe and don’t hesitate to contact us at any time with your questions

Return to limited activity from Monday 18th May


Wednesday 13th May 2020

Athletics Ireland is delighted to announce that in accordance with specific government guidelines all clubs can return to limited activity from Monday 18th May. Athletics is one of the first sports to receive Sport Ireland and Government endorsement to return to activity and we thank the expert contribution from our working groups in competition, recreation and clubs. Athletics is a key strategic sport in improving the health of the nation and the recent study detailing the huge increases in people walking and running in the last two months illustrates the necessity to open our club outdoor facilities.

Key parameters that must be met on Phase 1 of the Government roadmap are;

People can engage in outdoor sporting and fitness activities, either individually or in very small groups (maximum 4 people), where social distancing can be maintained and where there is no contact
People living within a 5 km radius of their athletic club can attend to train

Hamish Adams, CEO notes “It is a privilege for us to be one of the first sports returning to club activity and with this privilege comes a great responsibility to ensure all our clubs and members operate to the highest standards of compliance to prevent the further spread of Covid-19. This is the first small step on our journey to return to full activity, we continue to plan and prepare for competition and events from August onwards subject to government directives.”

We wish to note that every club will have their own unique set of Covid-19 challenges around social distancing, contact tracing, hygiene and member management. We strongly advise that each club committee meets virtually to develop their return to athletics plans.  A draft risk assessment template is attached for further development with club safety officers to ensure the highest standards of hygiene, tracing and social distancing are established.

A strict set of guidelines (note these guidelines are not exhaustive) has been developed with expert advice and this information can be found on the links below;

Guidance for Clubs

Guidance for Athletes

Guidance for Coaches

Club Risk Assessment Example

Monday 11th May 2020

To All Provincial, County & Club Secretaries,

We wish to give you all an update in regard to a graduated return to Club activity and insurance covers.

We are awaiting feedback from Sport Ireland in regard to our proposal to return to Club activity in compliance with government regulations. We believe that the opening of our Clubs is the key first step to the exit from lockdown.

We are also working hard in the background with expert advisors and we are developing support strategies to initiate our return to Club activity, we will release this information to you in the coming days. As you can appreciate, contact tracing, social distancing and hygiene practices will be essential strategies in our Club management of Covid19.

In the interim we can also confirm that all live virtual training events facilitated by Athletics Ireland staff for Athletics Ireland members are covered as Athletics Ireland hold Public Liability, Personal Accident and Professional Indemnity covers. However, we must advise Clubs to purchase their own individual covers in this area if they wish to personally facilitate virtual training online for their members.

We wish to note that once we do have a confirmed date for Clubs to open from Sport Ireland that all Athletics Ireland insurance covers will be immediately re-instated.

We are optimistic that a graduated return to Club activity is close and we appreciate your patience over the last two months. We are all anxious to initiate Club training and competition at all levels over the coming weeks within the government guidelines.

For insurance quotations please contact our brokers McMahon Galvin Limited 

Thursday 7th May 9.30am

Covid 19 Lockdown Exit Update

We were delighted to receive the government news in recent days in regard to the Roadmap to Re-Open Society and Business

However, we are liaising with Sport Ireland and relevant government authorities to ascertain what are the specific implications to athletics clubs and athletes in regard to the guidelines.

We can confirm that all national competitions scheduled for May, June and July have been postponed until after the 1st August, 2020. We are actively considering new dates for competitions and events that are feasible to host based on the guidelines after the 1st August and we will communicate these decisions to you all as soon as possible.

We recognise that the situation is constantly changing and government guidance is being updated regularly we are also mindful that lockdown measures can be re-instated at any time during our exit from lockdown. Any return to activity and competition will consider all government messaging with the aim that we maintain the safety and well-being of the athletics and wider community as our primary goal.

We have established forums to consider our return to activity in the areas of Competition, Recreation and Clubs and we thank all involved for their time and expertise in these respective areas, the decisions being made are not easy.

The principles below will apply to all our decision making in regard to our return to activity at all levels and we hope to share;

  • We will follow all Government guidelines on any transition back to activity, with the aim of ensuring the continued safety and well-being of the athletics and wider community.
  • For all competition and events we will ensure activities are safe and focus on the well-being of athletes.
  • We are aware of a lead in training time required for athletes in clubs before any competition can resume.
  • We will need to be innovative around running athletic competition and events if restrictions on social distancing remain and we will produce guidelines to mitigate risk to enable competition within government guidelines.

We believe we are on the last stages of the journey back to club activity and competition and we thank the entire athletics community for their continued patience and discipline throughout this difficult time. It is pleasing to see the huge amount of walking and running activity that has continued in the last few weeks emphasizing the importance of our sport to the nation.

Monday 30th March 9.30am

The health and safety of the Athletics community is our priority at this time and we are more than ever determined to be proactive regarding precautions to limit the spread of the Covid 19 virus. We continue to closely monitor the outbreak and the advice from the National Public Health Emergency Team and the HSE.

We understand that the decision to suspend all athletic competitions, coaching courses, club training and events is disappointing to all athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers and supporters, nevertheless, we are sure that you understand that the decision was taken in the best interests, not just of the athletics community, but for all the people of Ireland.

We have made robust plans for Athletics Ireland to exit this crisis in a strong position and the Board along with our staff are united in our determination to deliver our mission to support and develop the athletes of Ireland of all ages, disciplines and abilities and to contribute positively to increasing physical activity levels across the entire population. With this in mind we have initiated virtual training programmes and runs for all to participate in at this time and we believe that running and walking activities will soar in the coming weeks.

Although we have physically closed our office, all Athletics Ireland staff are operating our business from their homes. Operating telephones and emails remotely is minimising disruption to our organisation and we are ensuring this time is spent productively so that when we get through this crisis we can resume full operations immediately.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued efforts, while it is a strange place we find ourselves in we can but look forward to the future where we will meet again in happier circumstances. We will continue to monitor developments and update you all on our website and social media channels on a regular basis.

Please take care, remain vigilant and be safe.

Hamish Adams, Athletics Ireland Chief Executive Officer

Georgina Drumm, Athletics Ireland President

Click HERE for latest HSE guidelines and advice.

Tuesday 24th March 6-30pm

Following the latest announcement from our Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar Athletics Ireland wishes to note that from midnight tonight All organised indoor and outdoor events of any size are not to take place.

The effect of this government decision means that no Athletics Ireland Provinces, County Boards, Clubs or affiliates can operate in any capacity. As such no insurance covers of Athletics Ireland for Provinces, County Boards, Clubs and individuals are operational during this period.

We stress the importance of all our members following this expert advice and hope you all stay safe in these difficult times.

Latest Guidance on Public Health Measures

Published: 24 March 2020
From: Department of the Taoiseach

The National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) has recommended that all non-essential retail outlets close to members of the public. All other retail outlets are to implement social distancing.

Cafés and restaurants are limited to takeaways and deliveries only. All sporting events are cancelled – including those behind closed doors.

All theatres, clubs, gyms, leisure centres and hair salons are to be shut.

Places of worship are to restrict numbers visiting and no unnecessary travel should take place in the country or overseas, now or during the Easter break.

The Taoiseach said people need to stay at home and only leave to:

  • go to work
  • go to the shops for essential supplies
  • care for others
  • exercise

The Taoiseach also stated “you should only leave home to go to work if you can’t work from home and your attendance is essential. You should only go to the shops for essential supplies, out for medical or dental appointments, to care for others or to take physical exercise.

Non-essential indoor visits to other people’s homes should be avoided. Social gatherings of individuals outdoors should be of no more than 4, unless you are all from same household”.

The full statement is available HERE

An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar Speech available HERE

Advice on protecting yourself and others available HERE

Monday 23rd March, 1pm

It has come to our attention that a small number of running groups are not respecting the extremely important HSE advice in regard to maintaining a social distance of at least 2 metres between individuals.

During this unprecedented period the health of the nation is at stake and we direct all athletes and coaches under the auspices of Athletics Ireland to respect the expert advice of our health professionals.

Please note the latest advice from the HSE below.

Dear Stakeholder,

As part of the continued national response to the rapidly-shifting challenges of Coronavirus COVID-19, we firstly want to wish you good health and wellbeing.

Most of you will be aware that social distancing measures continue to be paramount and every citizen is being asked to take the necessary precautions. Many of the new materials developed below are helping to get this message out.

Partner Pack
The digital partner pack continues to be updated and can be downloaded online at:

The digital partner pack contains:

  • The most up to date posters on Coronavirus COVID-19 (please display and share these as widely as you can, and please replace any previous posters that you might have used with the updated version)
  • Videos that you can share and display
  • Leaflets, social media assets and more

Key Updates
Here are some important additions and updates for you:

Next Updates Expected
Early next week, the digital partner pack is also expected to include a booklet on Coronavirus COVID-19. We will make this available in a number of formats with different audiences in mind.

For the most up to date information and advice on Coronavirus, please go to:

Department of Health:  

We would be grateful if you would let us know if your organisation has any specific requests or urgent needs in relation to Coronavirus COVID-19 public health information materials.
If you do, please email us at to let us know.

Thank you in advance for your support at this important time.

A reminder be mindful of your mental health during this time, try to keep to a routine, maintain a healthy, balanced diet, and remember social distancing doesn’t have to mean social isolation.

Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support

Monday 16th March, 2.30pm

Athletics Ireland is instructing all affiliates to suspend all athletic competitions, group training and events with immediate effect. We understand that this decision will result in inconvenience and disappointment to many athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers and supporters. However, we are sure that all will understand that the decision is taken in the best interests, not just of the athletics community, but of the Nation.

The guidance from Athletics Ireland is that all club group training sessions be cancelled at this time as we need to reduce all social interaction.

Members should follow the advice that has been provided by the appropriate agencies regarding the best way to minimise the risks to infection as well as what you should do if you feel unwell and are developing symptoms. We advise all to stay safe and follow the HSE advice at this difficult time.

This information can be found in greater detail within the links below.

Friday March 13th 11am

Over the past number of days, we have been planning our position in relation to the Coronavirus and this planning has now escalated in light of recent communication.

Athletics Ireland is instructing all affiliates to suspend all athletic competitions and events with immediate effect. We understand that this decision will result in inconvenience and disappointment to many athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers and supporters. However, we are sure that all will understand that the decision is taken in the best interests, not just of the athletics community, but of the Country.

Club training is down to the discretion of the individual club, but the recommendation from Athletics Ireland is that club training sessions be cancelled at this time.

We would advise all clubs to carefully consider if this is necessary and in line with trying to reduce social interaction. We would urge all clubs to engage with your facility and to understand their position regarding continued operations and opening hours. Members should follow the advice that has been provided by the appropriate agencies regarding the best way to minimise the risks to infection as well as what you should do if you feel unwell and are developing symptoms. This can be found in greater detail within the links below.

Health and Safety Authority

Government of Ireland

We would advise all clubs to cancel or postpone all planned international trips that are due to take place in March and April and we will circulate more information as this becomes available. If clubs have queries or concerns in this regard, please contact Athletics Ireland.

Click here for National Juvenile Championships Update

Click here for SIAB Schools Cross Country Update

Click here for HP Update

The situation is changing rapidly and we will continue to monitor developments and update our website and communication on a daily basis.

Sport Ireland will continue to provide information to Sports Bodies as it becomes available and again strongly recommends that all stakeholders remain informed of, and follow government advice on the situation. Further information supplied from Sport Ireland can be found below.

  • Click HERE for FAQs
  • Click HERE for Coordinating Public Health Communication to Citizens and Staff presentation
Thursday March 12th 12.00pm

Athletics Ireland continues to closely monitor the Coronavirus outbreak and the advice from the National Public Health Emergency Team and the HSE. The health and safety of the Athletics community is our priority and we are determined to be calm, calculated and proactive regarding precautions to limit the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

As announced by An Taoiseach this morning the following measures will come into effect from tomorrow morning until the 29th March, 2020.

schools, colleges and childcare facilities will close from tomorrow (Friday)
Indoor mass gatherings of 100 people or more and outdoor mass gatherings of more than 500 people should be cancelled

Where it is possible to work remotely people should do so. Public transport will continue and shops will continue to remain open. Mr Varadkar said we need the public and businesses to take a sensible approach.

Athletics Ireland is guided by this expert HSE advice and will physically close our office from tomorrow morning but all staff will be operating our business from their homes. We have all prepared to operate telephones and emails remotely to minimise disruption to our business.

Athletics Ireland is therefore instructing all affiliates to suspend all athletic competitions and events with immediate effect. We understand that this decision will result in inconvenience and disappointment to many athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers and supporters. However, we are sure that all will understand that the decision is taken in the best interests, not just of the athletics community, but of the Country.

Club training is down to the discretion of the individual club, but the recommendation from Athletics Ireland is that club training sessions be cancelled at this time.

The situation is changing rapidly and we will continue to monitor developments and update our website and communication on a daily basis.