Some outstanding performances today in IUAA Outdoor Championship 2023 with Mark Hanrahan winning comfortably the 1500m in a time of 4.04.32. Shortly after Dylan Casey lined up for the 5000m and it came down to himself and Harry Colbert but Dylan showed his strength in the last 100m to win the race in a time of 14.24.04, setting a UL record. Sean Cotter, Mark Hanrahan, Dylan CaseyCongrats to both lads representing UL and to their coach Rory Chessor. In the 110m hurdles Noah…
Read MoreDay: 29 April 2023
Successful Fun Sports Day
Thank you to everyone who turned out to the Ennis Track AC Sports Day Field Results 2023, it was a magical happy fun day. Well done to everyone who competed and most importantly to all those who organised or helped out in any way to make this such a popular annual event. Girls U5 60m 1. Amber Cummins Ennis Track 2. Annie Collins Ennis Track 3. Kelly Brigdale Ennis Track Girls U7 60m 1. Evie O’Driscoll St. Cronans 2. Doireann Nugent Ennis Track 3. Erika Harrison St. Cronans Girls U7…
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